Her Life as She Knew It

Her Life as She Knew It
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Our Purpose

Vision Statement: Skoob Press is an interactive artistic community of people who believe that the things of this world point to another, more glorious world and that life is rich and full of mystery and meaning if we only have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

Her Life as She Knew It is the first of what we believe will be many books that challenge readers to see the world in a new light, as well as to provide stories with characters the reader cares about.

Beginning 2011, we will also begin to construct a story right here on our blog. And you can be part of it by going on this blog or following us on Twitter. We invite readers to answer a series of questions, the answers to which will, over time, weave together into a tapestry that tells a beautiful story . . . because everyone loves a good story.

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